“We promote the well-being of our patients and the quality of life in their communities.”
Rapid Access Program
Medication Assisted Treatment for Addiction
Hocking County
This program offers an appointment within 24 to 36 hours for medically assisted treatment.
Rapid Access is open to anyone with a co-occurring disorder.
- Dental Services-Available in Meigs and Vinton Counties
- Primary Care-Available in Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Perry, Ross, and Vinton Counties
- Early Childhood Program-Help Me Grow (Athens County)
- Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (Athens, Hocking, and Vinton Counties)
- Women Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program (Athens and Perry Counties)
- Behavioral Health Services-Available in Athens, Hocking, Jackson, Vinton, and Washington Counties
- Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment Services
- Outpatient Counseling Services
- Crisis Services- Crisis intervention and hospital pre-screening services are available
- face-to-face or by phone (as appropriate) 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Crisis Services telephone line 1-888-475-8484 or in Athens 740-593-3344
- School-Based Services
- Partial Hospitalization / REACH
- Substance Abuse Outpatient Programming for Adults and Children (Varies by Location)
- SAMI (Substance Abusing Mentally Ill) Court (Athens only)
- Medication Assisted Treatment – Hocking County Behavioral Health Clinic
- Transportation
- Outreach and Enrollment- Available in Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Perry, Washington, Jackson, Ross, and Vinton Counties
In addition to services for mental health, Hopewell Health Centers offers Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for addictions.
For more information on these services please visit Hopewell Health Centers.