Supporting your community behavioral health network of care
The Athens-Hocking-Vinton Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services “317” Board oversees a non-profit network of care that includes prevention, crisis, treatment, recovery, and resiliency supports.
Our next Board meeting…
The next 317 Board meeting will take place on Monday, February 24 at 6 p.m. in the 317 Board conference room (7990 Dairy Lane, Athens, OH). Members of the public are also welcome to attend via Zoom. Please contact us for the meeting link.

Events and Meetings
Toolkits for Providing Care
Dispose of Medications Responsibly
Practice responsible disposal of unwanted over-the-counter and prescription drugs by discarding them at an official disposal site or through special waste bags that deactivate and destroy medication before disposal. Using a Deterra bag helps keep individuals safe by reducing access to unprescribed medications for misuse.